Cookie & Privacy Policy


Cookies are small text files that are installed in a temporary memory by a website depending on selected browser (and therefore on the selected device to the Platform, such as PCs, tablets, mobile phones, etc.) that is able to record some information relating to your browsing activity. All data, if the cookies are not disabled, are sended to the site that installed them every time you return to visit that site. Cookies therefore allow you to (temporarily) record some information relating to your preferences, but at the same time allow for simplified navigation and greater ease of use and effectiveness of the site you are visiting


Cookies, as regards their duration, are divided into:

  • session cookies: they are automatically deleted when you close your browser;
  • persistent cookies: they remain stored on your device for a certain period of time (eg to allow you to easily authenticate yourself on the Platform, etc.)

and as regards their realization in:

  • own cookies: created and managed directly by the Owner;
  • third-party cookies: created and managed by other parties different from Owner on which we have no control.



You can prevent the installation of cookies, which normally occurs automatically with most browsers, by disabling the functions of your browser to enable the reception of cookies.

To understand the right procedure, we recommend that you click on the link of your navigation browser:


Materia Prima S.r.l., Sede legale, amministrativa, operativa: Via Gramsci, 3 - 37060 Loc. Bosco, Sona (VR) - P.IVA 03613710239 (che indicheremo anche come “Titolare”), installa nel tuo device:
Pursuant to the GDPR, the company Materia Prima S.r.l, with registered office in Via Gramsci, 3 - 37060 Loc. Bosco, Sona (VR), C.F. and VAT number 03613710239, Tel 045/8969057 (which we will also indicate as the "Owner"), install on your device:

  1. TECHNICAL COOKIES: automatically some technical cookies (session and persistent), or files that allow the correct and easy use of the Platform:
    1. Own technical and essential cookies: they allow you to browse the Platform - without them the Platform may not work. In order to release these cookies, current legislation does not ask for your prior consent, other than to indicate them in the information;
    2. own, technical and persistent cookies: it facilitates navigation on the Platform avoiding that the brief information (so-called pop-up banner), which asks you for consent to release cookies on your device, is re-proposed to you even after your consent
    3. third-party cookies, anonymous and persistent analytics: it allows us to collect aggregate and anonymous data on the use of the Platform. The IP address is obscured in its last part.
  2. PROFILING COOKIES: only after your consent, we will install some types of persistent profiling cookies created by third parties (for example some cookies may be present in images, maps, videos, sounds, links to pages external to the Platform , etc.), which have the task of memorizing your profile to allow the sending of targeted advertising messages on the preferences you have expressed while browsing the Platform:
    1. Profiling cookies made by third parties and related to other services (session and persistent): some pages of the Platform are characterized by the presence of some plugins that could allow a third party to release profiling cookies on your device. You can find the privacy information and how to delete these cookies at these links:
    2. profiling cookies created by third parties and relating to statistical services (session and persistent): these cookies allow you to know how you visit the Platform and allow you to evaluate and make any changes relating to the possibility of using the information and services. These cookies allow you to know:
      • the number of visitors to the Platform;
      • the average time spent on the Platform;
      • the channels from which the Platform is accessed, the most visited sections, etc.


To carry out these operations we use the Google Analytics service - a web analytics service, provided by Google. This system releases cookies on your device and generates information on your use of the Platform that is transmitted and stored by Google (the servers where they are stored may be in the United States). Google uses this information to:

  • evaluate your use of the Platform;
  • prepare reports on your business;
  • to provide other services relating to the activity of the Platform and the use of the internet

Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required by law, or in the case of third parties who process this information on their behalf

Google does not associate your IP address with any other data that Google owns (we have in fact deactivated all the sharing functions of your personal data, except the 'Benchmarking' function which processes aggregate and anonymous data – and we have masked part of your IP address.

To read Google's privacy policy and get further information, you can click on these links:

You can find the instructions to cancel or block the surveys through this service by clicking on this link:


To check which cookies are installed on your device, and possibly change your choices, you can change the privacy settings in the control panel of your navigation browser and / or visit this site

You can find further basic information on the privacy configuration of your navigation browser by clicking on this link!/.

You can also check, and possibly modify, your choices regarding 'Behavioral Online Advertising' (i.e. the method that allows third parties to send you advertising messages on the websites you visit, making them more in line with your needs and your interests) we recommend that you visit this site where you will find the information and tools to perform these operations:

If you disable the services that install cookies, we inform you that you may not be able to fully use the Platform.

The duration of the cookies that are installed on your device depends on their nature:

  • session cookies are deleted when you close your browser;
  • persistent cookies may instead have different expiration dates set by the creator of the individual cookie.

To check the duration of each cookie you can use tools such as 'Wappalyzer' (downloadable for free by clicking on this link


Subject: Information on the processing of personal data in accordance with Art. 13 Reg. 2016/679/EU.

This is to inform you that our company processes your personal data. The processing is carried out in accordance with the criteria provided by the European regulation on the protection of personal data, Reg. 2016/679/EU, in force since May 25, 2018 (hereinafter referred to as GDPR). According to the regulations, the processing must be based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness, and transparency, as well as the protection of your privacy and your rights.

1) The data controller is Materia Prima Srl, represented by its legal representative pro tempore, with its registered office at Via A. Gramsci, 3 - Loc. Bosco, 37060 Sona (VR) Tel 045/8969057, email:

2) Data will be collected with your explicit consent (as per Art. 6.1 letter b), GDPR) and will be used for the following purposes:

Sending requested information for which explicit consent is not required;

3) Methods: personal data is processed by the data controller and duly appointed data processors to fulfill the purposes indicated in point 2) using electronic and paper-based tools, as well as with the use of security measures to ensure the confidentiality of personal data and to prevent unauthorized access.

4) Communication: data may be disclosed to internal and external subjects duly appointed who perform activities on behalf of the data controller.
There is no disclosure to third countries outside the EU, and there is no dissemination (e.g., on social networks, websites, etc.). The data controller does not use automated processes, including profiling, to achieve the purposes set out in this information.

Navigation data collected and cookies may be used for ad personalization; For more information, please refer to the Google Privacy and Terms page.

5) The Data Controller will process personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the above purposes and, in any case, for no more than 2 years from the cessation of the relationship for the purposes indicated.

6) The data subject has the right to request the data controller to access their personal data or to rectify or delete it, or to limit the processing concerning them, or has the right to object to its processing, in addition to the right to request the portability of the data.
The request can be made by email or fax or registered mail with the subject: "request by the data subject," specifying in the request the right the data subject wants to exercise (deletion, rectification, portability, oblivion), along with a valid email/PEC address to send the response to.
The data controller or anyone appointed by them will respond to the request within 30 days from the date of receipt. If the response is complex, the time may be extended by an additional 30 days, with timely communication to the data subject.
If you believe it is appropriate to assert your rights, you have the option to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, corresponding to the national data protection authority, located at Palazzo Monte Citorio 121, Rome.

Informationen über die Cookies auf dieser Seite

Diese Website verwendet anonyme technische und statistische Cookies, die für ihren Betrieb erforderlich sind. Es verwendet auch analytic cookies und marketing cookies, die standardmäßig deaktiviert sind und nur mit Ihrer Zustimmung aktiviert werden und zur Personalisierung von Werbeanzeigen verwendet werden können.

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